
Showing posts from September, 2016

Countdown to Bouchercon--ONE WEEK

In one week from right now, I'll be at the airport, making my way through the security line. I haven't started packing yet, although I've been giving it a lot of thought. Yesterday I got my hair touched up and my nails done, so I'll look more like an author and less like someone who sits at a computer all day in her pajamas, with her hair in a ponytail. Umm... Okay. No comment. Anyhow, I'm looking back at last year's Bouchercon at Raleigh, NC, and realize, I have very few photos. My critique buddy, Mary Sutton, who was also there, posted a look back yesterday on her blog, and she didn't have much photographic evidence either. However, here is a photo of our panel, which was moderated by the phenomenal Janet Reid (not pictured--ever.) I feel short.  And here is me in the bar with a chocolate martini (see my post about Bouchercon in Cleveland to read about my love of chocolate martinis). There was ONE moments NOT captured on film that will rem...