
Showing posts from December, 2022

Looking Back at 2022

It's time for my annual assessment of the current year before I make plans for the new one. Click here to read my goals and hopes for 2022.  I did well, overall. Fatal Reunion came out on schedule in May, although too late for Malice Domestic or Pennwriters. But I did attend both conferences and had a blast. It just came out in audiobook too! The NaNoWriMo project not only found a title, but a home, and is coming out next month from One More Chapter/HarperCollinsUK! Where the Guilty Hide will release in digital on January 20. It comes out in print in the UK on March 2. I don't have a print release date yet for here in the US.  The 12th Zoe Chambers mystery, Helpless , is with my Level Best Books editor, awaiting its May 2023 release. It's a bit of a departure for me. More suspense than whodunit mystery. It was a wild ride to write and hopefully will be the same for my readers! My "mini book tour" included a trip to Florida for Sleuthfest in July, where I had a