Sisters in Crime 2011 Retreat

We’re trying it again.

Our local Sisters in Crime chapter seems to have a reputation for not being in Mother Nature’s good graces. We had a blizzard the day Hallie Ephron came to town to present a workshop for us. Our Christmas party was cancelled one year because of a major ice storm. And our last writing retreat in the spring of 2010 will forever be known as The Great Flood and Writers’ Retreat.

But ever undaunted, we’re taking another stab at it. This weekend, we’re heading back to Confluence, although we’re staying in a different place this time. The scariest part for me is the fact that I've somehow become the sole presenter. I never intended it that way. It just happened.

And we only have one other attendee who is a Great Flood survivor. The rest are all newbies, eager to find out what natural disaster will befall us this time.

Frankly, I’m afraid the natural disaster will be me, boring them all to tears. Yes, my insecurities are showing.

At least I got a nice boost credential-wise. Fish Tales was given a lovely review in Mystery Scene Magazine, and my contribution, “A Murder Runs Through It” received a special mention. Prior to that, I was asking myself, “Why would anyone want to listen to a word I have to say???”

I think it’ll be okay, though. I’m stealing my material from some of the best.

Wish me luck.

And keep an eye on the weather forecast for Confluence. Should we warn the locals? They may want to start the evacuation now.


Joyce Tremel said…
You'll be great! Don't worry!
Annette said…
Thanks for the vote of support, Joyce.

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