Nanowrimo: Day 5

The Dashofy Revision Version of Nanowrimo is going quite well. I only need three more pages to make my first week’s goal. It won’t happen today because I’m spending the morning proctoring the police recruits testing for the city of Pittsburgh. I’ve done this before. It’s an odd combination of interesting and mind-numbing boredom. All the interesting stuff happens in the first hour: setting up the testing area, orientation, watching the shiny-faced eager recruits enter the room and be seated. The rest of the time is spent walking around the same table, making sure no one cheats. That’s the boring part. But it’s a way of giving back for the Citizen’s Police Academy experience.

Later, I’m heading to my friend Jessi’s house for a Breeders Cup party. The Breeders Cup, in case you don’t know, is the richest day in horse racing. And it isn’t aired on network TV, which is all I have. So for the second year, I’m hanging out with Jessi and her family and watching it there. It’s fun. I’ve printed out the PPs (past performance records) so we can try to pick the winners. Last year, I picked two out of twelve. That’s about par for me. On second thought, that’s darned good for me.

As for the writing, I’ve settled into a rhythm. I write my pages then I stop and plot out the following day’s scene. That way when I sit down to write, I already have a sense of where I’m going. Saves on the blankly-staring-at-the-screen time. For me, doing the figuring out what comes next is easier after I’ve just finished writing the previous scene.

Most days. Hey, I’m making this up as I go along, just like everyone else.


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