Coming Soon...

At the Pennwriters Conference in May, one of the speakers said that blogs were dead and the "new blog" was Facebook. Feeling overwhelmed, I latched onto that nugget as an excuse to lighten my load. Hence, my absence here.

However, I admit I miss blogging. So in very short order, I'll be back. You've been warned.

First though, I intend on revamping, refocusing, and redesigning this blog and, to a lesser extent, my website. I'm also back in what I less-than-affectionately call Query Hell. And I'm organizing a workshop on Choices and Challenges of Modern Publishing for Pennwriters. And I'm coordinating our Sisters in Crime annual writing retreat.

Yes, my plate is full...with everything except writing.

To quote Captain Jack Sparrow (and Ozzie Osbourne, I believe), "Not good."

So until I catch up and get back to blogging here on a regular basis, you can find me on my Facebook page.


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