
They’re here!

We had some wicked weather recently that played havoc with a lot of shipping schedules. While I knew my ARCs (Advanced Reader Copies) were on their way, I had no clue when they would arrive. Patience may be a virtue, but it isn’t one of mine.

Friday, the box showed up on my front porch. Reverting to a four-year-old at Christmas, I squealed with delight as I snatched the package and began to tear into it. My heavens, some people use a lot of tape. Plus my knife was dull. I very nearly ripped into the thing with my teeth. But at last I tore it open.

Shiny! Pretty! My baby! My first-born. My debut novel!

There is something very REAL about finally, FINALLY holding your book in your hands. Not just a print-out of the cover art, which I’ve been carrying around with me and flashing at everyone I encountered for the last few months. No, this is three-dimensional. It looks like a book. It feels like a book. It even has words inside! MY words.

“What is an Advanced Reader Copy?” you ask. It’s simply an uncorrected proof. An early print run that both my publisher and I are sending out for reviews and blurbs. They may contain a few errors. And no, they aren’t for sale.


If you’d like to get your hands on one, I plan to set up a Goodreads giveaway in the very near future. Stay tuned and check back. I’ll post details as soon as they’re available.



Joyce Tremel said…
I would have been bawling. They're so beautiful!
Becky said…
does family get a discount?

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