WPA and Lost Legacy

It’s been a roller coaster couple of weeks.

As I was pounding toward the deadline for my third Zoe Chambers mystery, my mom, who has been having some health issues, had to be admitted to the hospital. Familiar (to me) terms like atrial tachycardia and atrial fibrillation floated around along with a new one: orthostatic hypotension. Basically this means her heartbeat was fast and irregular…and her blood pressure plummeted when she stood up.

In the midst of runs to the hospital and conferences with doctors, I completed and turned in the manuscript—ON TIME. But then there was this little matter of the Writer’s Police Academy, something I’d been looking forward to for a year and had paid for months ago. I seriously contemplated staying home. But my darling hubby earned a boatload of brownie points by cancelling his own “guys’ weekend” and staying home to make sure Mom had a ride home when they discharged her and to keep an eye on her once she was home. My brother stepped up big time, too. So I left Mom in the care of “the boys” and headed to North Carolina.

I didn't take a lot of photos. Was too busy being immersed in the classes. But here are some shots of a mock rescue they set up--multiple casualty rescue drill. 

Besieged by guilt, I managed to have a great time. And I learned a lot, which will find its way into the next Zoe Chambers mystery.

Another high point from the weekend was the fabulous ad Henery Press placed in the program.

Mom was STILL in the hospital by the time I returned home. A week ago, she was finally discharged. Yay! And a big sigh of relief. She’s still not back to where she was, but we’re working on it thanks to a terrific team of visiting nurses, physical therapists and occupational therapists.

Sunday was my launch party for Lost Legacy at Mystery Lovers Bookshop. We had a wonderful time and a good crowd.

Mystery Lovers still has signed copies if you want one. Order here.

And today is Lost Legacy’s official book birthday! I have to stop every so often and remind myself this is REAL. Two books in print. One more in the pipeline. Ideas for more banging around inside my head waiting to be put on paper.

I love my life! 


Liz Milliron said…
Congratulations again!
Annette said…
Thanks, Mary!
Susan O'Brien said…
Hi Annette! Congratulations on LOST LEGACY's birthday. :) And I'm so glad you got to attend WPA. Very best wishes to your mom as she recovers at home.
Annette said…
Thanks, Susan.

Looking forward to YOUR big book birthday next month!

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