The End of Skye's Saga

Some of you may have already heard, but for those who haven’t, Skye didn’t make it.

Last Monday, the bleeding from her mouth became much worse and didn’t ease up.

In spite of that, she and I had a lovely night. She stretched out on my lap Monday evening while I watched TV, kneading my legs. I woke up Tuesday morning to her soft purring as she slept on my feet. But I knew when I looked in her eyes…she was ready.

My vet’s office took us right away. I had some quiet time with her before my wonderful vet came in. He’d been with us from the start. It was fitting he was with us at the end.

She died peacefully in my arms.

Kensi and I had several rough days afterwards. Kensi kept looking for her big sister. I tried to give her extra TLC, but she was mad at me. I took Skye away and didn’t bring her home.

But we’re both doing better. I’m down to one good crying fit a day. In case you’re interested, today’s tears are falling right now…as I write this.

Sweet Skye, you were much loved and are much missed. But you’re at peace and pain-free after a long, brave fight. Rest in peace, baby.


I'm so sorry, Annette. We had to put our Golden Retriever, Copper, down on Dec. 27th. He was almost 13. I know the emptiness of losing a beloved pet. I miss him every day.
L. Kraft said…
I am very sorry for your loss, Annette.
Marina Sofia said…
Awww, my eyes are welling up as I'm reading this. So sorry for your loss, but glad you managed to make your last moments together really count.

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