New Year Redux

Yes, I fell off the blog map for a while there. At the risk of sounding redundant because I've apologized for it multiple times over the last few years, I'm sorry. One of my goals for 2016 is to blog more. Another goal is to finally set up a real newsletter.

But I digress.

Happy New Year a day late. And since I didn't do my usual look back on New Year's Eve, I'll lump that in here, too.

My goal for the last two years has been to find balance. Hey, it's a work in progress. I'll give myself a solid C+ and try to do better.

Another goal for 2015 involved travel. I definitely fulfilled that one. I went to Williamsburg VA with Hubby (strictly vacation, no work) in March, Bethesda, MD in April/May, New Jersey in August, Colorado and New Mexico in September, and Raleigh NC and Nashville TN in October. And that's not counting the numerous Pennsylvania road trips I took. I loved every second of it. Except maybe the four-hour flight delay getting out of Raleigh. But I was with friends, so even that wasn't horrible.

This year's travel itinerary is a little lighter. Another road trip to Williamsburg as well as Bethesda. Pennwriters Conference is in Lancaster in May, so I'll be hitting the road for that one, too. I have high hopes of getting out to Colorado and New Mexico again this summer. And the NEW spot will be New Orleans in September for Bouchercon.

Okay, back to my goals for 2016. Blogging more. Newsletter. And cutting myself some slack. That'll be tough. But I'm working on it.

By the way, we're counting down to the cover reveal for With a Vengeance coming January 18. The actual book release is scheduled for May!


Looking forward to the cover reveal (and the release, naturally)!
Annette said…
Thanks, LuAnn!

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