Congratulations to Judy Kendzierski and Alyson Widen, the two winners of my Goodreads Giveaway! Your signed Advanced Reader Copies will be in the mail before the end of the week!
I've been hearing over and over lately that I need to get new headshots done. People who only know me from my online presence complain when they meet me that I don't look anything like my picture. Hmmm. Is that good or bad? I'm still not sure. However, the fact that I now wear my hair a lot longer than I used to is a fact I can't deny. The problem with new photos is...well, I'm older than I was when I had those last ones done. If I could get away with posting a picture of me when I was 25, I'd do it in a heartbeat. Seriously, inside my head, that's still what I look like. Outside? Not so much. But I caved in this weekend. After shooting over 60 frames, I came up with four that I like. So I'm posting them here and asking for a vote. Which ONE photo should be my new "face" for my online persona? Choice #1 Choice #2 Choice #3 Choice #4 Leave a comment with your favorite. Okay, I get to make the final decision, so this...
It’s been a week since my mom passed quietly from this earth. The last few months have been awful. Those last few weeks had been agonizing. Those last three days, nothing short of torture. For me, at least. Mom was surrounded by some of the most compassionate caregivers I could have wished for. I cannot say enough wonderful things about the staff of Evergreen Personal Care Home and Bethany Hospice. I watched you treat my mom with dignity and respect, love and honor in her final days. And you held me together too. My mom was tough. She was also chronically late. In the last few weeks and days, we wondered how she managed to hang on. There couldn’t be much keeping her alive. A couple of times, she seemed to be looking at something/someone over in the corner of the room. My dad, I’m sure. Once while I was sitting alone with her, I had a little talk with Dad, pleading with him to take her and end her suffering here. Then I remembered something. I flashed back to ...
Some day I’ll learn to ask questions before saying, “Sure, I’ll do it!” Back in November, I’d participated in The Next Big Thing . But when my cowboy pal, Reavis Wortham , recently asked me if I’d be interested in doing a Blog Hop, I answered YES before I had a chance to discover the “Blog Hop” was another name for “The Next Big Thing.” Oh, well, no problem. The first time, I wrote about CIRCLE OF INFLUENCE, which I’m currently pitching to agents. This time I’m writing about SINS OF THE FATHERS, the next in that series. 1: What is the working title of your book? Sins of the Fathers 2: Where did the idea come from for the book? Years and years ago, a co-worker’s brother was killed in a devastating motorcycle accident. The casket remained closed for the viewing and the funeral service and the sister was never allowed to see her brother’s body because everyone felt it would haunt her. But she later said to me, “How do I know he’s really dead?” She had a lot of problems wit...