Countdown to Bouchercon--ONE WEEK

In one week from right now, I'll be at the airport, making my way through the security line.

I haven't started packing yet, although I've been giving it a lot of thought. Yesterday I got my hair touched up and my nails done, so I'll look more like an author and less like someone who sits at a computer all day in her pajamas, with her hair in a ponytail.

Umm... Okay. No comment.

Anyhow, I'm looking back at last year's Bouchercon at Raleigh, NC, and realize, I have very few photos. My critique buddy, Mary Sutton, who was also there, posted a look back yesterday on her blog, and she didn't have much photographic evidence either.

However, here is a photo of our panel, which was moderated by the phenomenal Janet Reid (not pictured--ever.) I feel short.

 And here is me in the bar with a chocolate martini (see my post about Bouchercon in Cleveland to read about my love of chocolate martinis).

There was ONE moments NOT captured on film that will remain forever engraved in my memory: My frequent travel buddy Martha Reed's expression as she attempted to eat okra. It was classic. With a cloth napkin covering the lower half of her face, her eyes said it all. Hint: if you ever run into her, you should NOT ask if she wants okra with her meal.

Besides the okra though, the food was incredible. And inexpensive! Maybe that's why we took so few photos. We were always in one of the restaurants stuffing our faces!

Which may also be the case next week in New Orleans. But I'll try to at least take pictures. Especially if Martha attempts okra again.


Martha Reed said…
I'm not a picky eater - obviously - but okra quickly joined the DNE (DO NOT EAT) list!

I bet we find some good things to do and eat in NOLA! Can't wait...

Happy travels! See you soon.
Annette said…
Watch out, Martha. I think okra is a staple in many NOLA dishes. :-D
Liz Milliron said…
I do have a picture of that moment! I should share it with you. =)
Annette said…
Haha! Yes!

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