My Fangirl Moment with Craig Johnson

It's no secret that I'm a huge fan of Craig Johnson and his Walt Longmire series. The one the TV show is based on. Yes, there are books . That's Craig's new motto for those who are surprised Walt existed before Robert Taylor and Lou Diamond Phillips brought his characters to life. Hubby and I took a trip to Erie, PA earlier this year to hear Craig give a talk. Hubby is now a fan too. I had another encounter with Craig at Writers Police Academy where he was the keynote. All of this happened BEFORE I learned he was coming to Pittsburgh. In spite of having attended these two previous events, I couldn't wait for him to return to my city, if for no other reason than I'm a fangirl who couldn't wait to snag his newest book! As I said, it's no secret what a fan I am, so you can imagine my delight when Natalie of Mystery Lovers Books asked me to introduce Craig! Squeee! I could have babbled and gushed for hours, but I knew the capacity c...