My Fangirl Moment with Craig Johnson

It's no secret that I'm a huge fan of Craig Johnson and his Walt Longmire series. The one the TV show is based on.

Yes, there are books.

That's Craig's new motto for those who are surprised Walt existed before Robert Taylor and Lou Diamond Phillips brought his characters to life.

Hubby and I took a trip to Erie, PA earlier this year to hear Craig give a talk.

Hubby is now a fan too.

I had another encounter with Craig at Writers Police Academy where he was the keynote.

All of this happened BEFORE I learned he was coming to Pittsburgh.

In spite of having attended these two previous events, I couldn't wait for him to return to my city, if for no other reason than I'm a fangirl who couldn't wait to snag his newest book!

As I said, it's no secret what a fan I am, so you can imagine my delight when Natalie of Mystery Lovers Books asked me to introduce Craig!


I could have babbled and gushed for hours, but I knew the capacity crowd wasn't interested in hearing from me. I kept my intro brief--basically "You're all in for a treat!"

And he didn't disappoint.

I haven't started the new book yet. I'm saving it as a treat when I deserve one. Mostly because I know darned well I'll finish it in one (maybe two if I pace myself) days and then I'll have to wait another year.

So to my readers who tell me that same thing, THANK YOU. I know the feeling well. And as honored as I was to introduce Craig Johnson to the Pittsburgh crowd, I'm even more honored by those who enjoy my books even close to how much I enjoy his.


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