Looking Ahead 2022

Happy New Year. 

I'm whispering the greeting for two reasons. One, I'm feeling a little trepidation, remembering how happy we were to see 2020 go and how quickly we realized nothing had changed. Two, I have laryngitis on the heels of a nasty cold (negative Covid test). 

Moving on to my goals (not resolutions) for the coming twelve months. Once again, there are things I can control and things I can only hope for. 

Under my control: 

1. Complete revisions on Fatal Reunion and celebrate its release this coming May! I am thrilled to bring Zoe and Pete back to my readers. 

2. Complete rewrite of my NaNoWriMo manuscript (as yet in search of a title) and get it back out on submission.

3. Outline, research, and write the 12th Zoe Chambers Mystery. 

4. Set up a mini book tour for this summer.

Hoping for:

1. Attend Malice Domestic. I'm more optimistic about this actually happening this year. As long as the fabulous people running the convention proceed with their plans, I will be there. 

2. Attend the Pennwriters Conference. Same comment as Malice. 

I hope and pray both of these events happen, not so much because I'm desperate to get together with my reader and writer friends (although this is VERY true), but because I know the financial hit both organizations took when the 2020 and 2021 events had to be canceled. 

On a personal level, I need to do a better job of managing my time. AND I need to do a better job of decluttering. In other words, I need to make time to declutter. 

There you have it. My very boring list for the coming year. 

My biggest wish, though is that all of us stay safe and healthy. 

Happy New Year.


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