Keeping Busy

When last I posted, my husband's retirement was imminent. Now, we're two months in and both of us are alive and well and still like each other. All good.

I took advantage of having him around by taking a trip to New Mexico in September, leaving Kensi and her pills in his (somewhat) capable hands. She wasn't happy, but he did succeed in getting the pills down her throat. Meanwhile, I had a lovely escape and a nice visit with my dear friend, Leta. It was a relatively short stay and we didn't do a lot of exploring, but we ate out several times including some of the best fish and chips I've ever had. Yes, fish and chips. In Durango, Colorado. Don't judge. I also had chile rellenos and quesadillas in Aztec, New Mexico. I just forgot to take pictures.

After a month of retirement, Hubby decided to go back to work. Parttime. Now, I have the house to myself for two days each week, which is working out well. 

I took two road trips earlier this month, again leaving Kensi with The Dad. First, I headed to Erie for Pennwriters' Writers Road Trip, a fun one-day conference where I taught two workshops. I also drove around the area, doing research for a future Honeywell mystery. Then I attended our Pittsburgh Sisters in Crime chapter's annual writers' retreat in Somerset, PA. Six women crime writers in an isolated mountain cabin. We got a lot of writing done and had a lot of laughs as well. 

But I'm done traveling for a while. Honeywell # 4 is due to my publisher on December 1, so my main focus is on giving the manuscript one final round of polish. I'm also teaching an online writing course for Pennwriters for the first four Saturdays in November. 

Yes, I'm definitely keeping busy.


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