Pre Conference Jitters

I’m feeling overwhelmed.

The Pennwriters Conference is this weekend. As in tomorrow. I’m on the planning committee, which means, for me, it begins later today. As in after lunch!

I love the Pennwriters Conferences. That’s where I met my agent last year. This year it’s being held a little closer to home. And since I have to run back and forth to give Her Royal Highness Princess Samantha her medicine, that’s a good thing. It’s been suggested by well-meaning friends that I bring her with me, get a room (I think this hotel allows pets), and leave her there. In a word—NO. I have visions of a maid accidentally letting her out of the room and of me frantically searching the entire hotel calling for her. “Here kitty, kitty.”


Sammie stays home. I’ll spend the megabucks on gasoline to drive back and forth a few times. She won’t be stressed by being in a strange location. And I’ll know exactly where to find her.

Travel and cats aside, the conference offers enough reasons for me to be anxious. I have a short story entered in the annual writing contest. I’d like to see it win a prize, but I understand the nature of contests. It’s like publishing. It all depends on the judge (or editor in the case of publishing) happening to like your story on that particular day.

(By the way, I did not win the Derringer Award. No big surprise there. I was honored beyond words to be included in the company of the other finalists.)

Saturday, I’ll be participating in my first panel. I’ll be with friends, so I hope it won’t be too bad. I also hope I don’t embarrass said friends or myself. I wasn’t the least bit nervous about it until this morning. But this morning I’m nervous about everything. My to-do list is a mile long and I only have until lunchtime to complete it. Agh!

Finish laundry, iron dress pants, pay bills, wash my hair, pick up cake, set up rooms at conference…

And post my blog. Check! One down.


Anonymous said…
Good luck, Annette! You'll be terrific on the panel!

Hope all goes well.

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