Friday Odds and Ends

In one day’s time, we have slipped out of my favorite time of year to my less-than-favorite time of year.

I love spring. I love the freshness of reborn trees, the smell of locus blooms floating on a warm breeze. I love taking walks, riding Admiral or my bike. In the spring.

Yesterday, the western Pennsylvania summer sauna arrived. We put in the window air conditioners. The sounds of birdsong drifting through the screen has been replaced with the mechanical rumble of AC. I can’t breathe the air because I didn’t come with factory equipped gills.

I’ve lost a total of 14 pounds since my rude encounter with the scales early this spring. But when the soggy, sultry heat of summer hits, I tend to want to do nothing. Or less than nothing if possible. I need to get some cardio in today, but I know it will be torture.

Okay, my whining spree is over.

I finished (FINALLY) chapter three of my current WIP this week. It’s been like pulling teeth, getting these opening three chapters complete. But I’m starting to get a better grip on ALL the characters by now, so hopefully my only issue with getting more pages done from here on will be time.

I’m working on the time management thing. Being in full-tilt 2009 Conference mode, researching and inviting agents and editors and collecting proposals from potential speakers, I’ve forced myself to allot ONE HOUR a day to conference planning. Otherwise, it could get out of control. This year’s conference coordinator supreme, Ayleen, has been a huge help. Having been here before, she’s probably the only one to understand the Conference Hour concept. I just have to make a point of not responding to conference emails as they come up, but put them on hold until that ONE HOUR each day.

Today, a momentous occasion in history will occur. My mother is going to make her first venture into Wal-Mart since before her initial surgery back in August. She’s eager and anxious all at the same time. So am I. Okay, for me, anxiety is way ahead. I want her to get her independence back, but firsts scare the hell outta me.


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