Katz Family Update

I was going to title this something like “We’re Expecting” but I didn’t want to send anyone into shock.

The Katz family who spent the winter in the barn has dwindled down to two. Three if you count Moochie, who is really the neighbor’s cat. He is also about to become a father. The two remaining members of the Katz family are Miss Fleck and Pip and both are expecting little Moochies.

In Miss Fleck’s case, I’d say the births are imminent. She’s a wide load for a little cat. Pip, who has been a rolly-polly butterball all winter, still has more than a month to go.

I should mention that, while kittens are adorable, I don’t particularly WANT more cats. But the wild little things weren’t about to cooperate with any kind of transportation to a vet, and I’m not fond of the idea of having my arm shredded.

Hormones are odd things, though. Both cats have become much friendlier since Moochie did his thing with them. For the first time since they showed up last fall, Pip allows me to pet her.

But what the heck am I going to do with two crops of kittens???


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