Looking Back on 2010

A large portion of 2010 was clouded by my hubby’s seven-month bout of unemployment. And I started out the year by parting company with my agent. Nevertheless, there were some moments worthy of acknowledgment before we send the year packing.

First would be February’s snowmageddon.

It was one of those things that’s better to look back on than it was to live through. Once the roads were cleared and the power restored, we had to travel to Confluence to shovel six-plus feet of snow from our camper’s roof. This involved snowshoeing into the campground, which was an adventure by itself.

Continuing 2010’s fun with foul weather, in March, our local Sisters in Crime chapter ventured to Confluence (otherwise known as weather central) during a major flood (not part of the plan) for our weekend writing retreat. I can’t believe none of us have written a murder mystery story about that weekend yet. While the rising river vied for our attention, we did manage to have a lot of fun, eat a lot of food, and learn a lot of skills to improve our writing. A big THANK YOU to Ramona DeFelice Long for being a good sport and an excellent presenter.

By May the weather had improved for the Pennwriters Conference in Lancaster. In retrospect, the highlights included meeting Janet Reid, the visit by Paula “Victim of the Query Shark” Matter, and the really nice shower in the hotel room I shared with fellow Working Stiff Joyce Tremel. Possibly, but not necessarily in that order. (The shower was REALLY nice.)

In August, we gained a new addition to our family. Kensi.

Cute as the devil and twice as ornery, she managed to charm even my cranky, unemployed husband. Skye, however, was not amused and remains unimpressed by her to this day.

September was devoted to pulling together a Pennwriters workshop with Debra Dixon. It was a smash hit. My favorite part was taking our presenter out to dinner afterwards and having Debra all to myself for three hours of fascinating conversation.

I started the Pennsylvania State Police Citizens’ Academy in October.

I’ve been blogging about it over at Working Stiffs. It’s been an incredible experience. If you ever get a chance to do one of these, do yourself a favor and sign up. You’ll be amazed at how much you’ll learn.

Finally, early this month, I learned that the Guppies’ anthology Fish Tales, which includes my short story “A Murder Runs Through It” has found a publisher.

So there have been highs and lows, just like most other years. Granted the lows have been pretty lousy. I’m happy to see 2010 on the way out the door. But I’m optimistic about the coming of 2011.


Joyce Tremel said…
Happy New Year, Annette! May the publishing industry finally see what a good writer you are!
Annette said…
You, too, Joyce. You, too.
Mason Canyon said…
Wishing you all the best for 2011.

Thoughts in Progress
Annette said…
Best wishes to you, too, Mason!

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