Pub Day!

I’m sure in the real world, authors know well in advance of their scheduled publication date. However, everything about the release of Fish Tales has come as a surprise, albeit a happy one. Less than two weeks ago, we got our cover. Last week it showed up on sale as an ebook. And this morning, I awoke to news that, mysteriously overnight, the trade paperback version is now available. I’m not sure if the lack of forewarning is because it’s a small press or because there are 22 of us included in this anthology, and keeping everyone in the loop was too labor intensive. Whatever the reason, I’m not complaining. Instead, I’m explaining why my website isn’t updated. My webmaster wasn’t expecting to get a major update from me. So it’s in the works, but… Also, the good folks at Mystery Lovers Bookshop are scrambling to get it on their website. I’ll have a link here as soon as it’s available, because as you probably all know, I’m a strong supporter of independent booksellers. In the meantime, you can find the print version of Fish Tales at the usual online locations (Amazon, B&, etc) if you absolutely can’t wait. For the record, I don’t have a copy of it yet, either!


Alan Orloff said…
Congrats, Annette!
Annette said…
Thanks, Alan!

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