Back-to-Conference Shopping

Tomorrow, the 2011 Pennwriters Conference gets underway with the Thursday Intensives. I didn’t sign up for one this year in an attempt to save some pennies. But I know I should have. These workshops are fabulous.

Instead, I’ll head to the hotel in plenty of time for the Board of Directors meeting. I’m now Vice President of Pennwriters, which sounds like a bigger deal than my old Area 3 Rep title, but in fact is much less work.

And, NO, I have no intension of stepping into the president’s position next. Ain’t gonna happen, folks. Don’t even joke about it.

Anyhow, the conference itself gets underway bright and early Friday morning. I’ll be helping with the Twitter for Twits workshop at 10:30AM led by the incredible Tamara Girardi.

There are sooo many workshops that I want to see. It’s overwhelming. And wonderful. Meredith Cohen and Julie Long have done a phenomenal job putting this thing together.

But before I get there, I have to handle one important bit of preparation.

What to pack?

When I was a kid, every year before school started, Mom and I would hit the stores to buy me a new wardrobe. After I graduated, I remember missing back-to-school shopping. I no longer had that annual excuse to buy new clothes.

Now there’s Back-to-Conference shopping! Not an entire wardrobe. But every year I pick up a few things to augment my attire. This year I wanted a new jacket, but couldn’t find what I wanted. The idiot sales lady at Macy’s lost a potential sale when she told me I should consider looking at the more mature line of separates. Excuse me???? It was a plain gray gabardine jacket, not some loud and gaudy thing only Lady Gaga would wear! In fact, as far as I was concerned it was TOO plain.

So, anyhow, I’ll be wearing the same jackets I’ve worn to the last several conferences.

However, on Monday, Mom and I went shoe shopping. I needed a pair of comfy black flats. Notice I said NEEDED. Not wanted. My old pair literally fell apart. You know you need new shoes when your toes are sticking out of the old ones. And mine were. I could not return home empty handed.

As it turns out, that wasn’t the problem. Not only did I find a cute and comfy (I hope… Only a full day of bopping around the conference will tell the true tale) pair of black flats, I also found a pair of black heels to replace my 20-year-old black pumps. AND a pair of New Balance sneakers to replace my battered 3-year-old pair of walking shoes.

So if you spot me at the Pennwriters Conference, be sure to stop me and say “Hi.” And make sure you check out my new shoes!


WHAT is up with Macy's? They did the same thing to my mom!
Joyce Tremel said…
It's a good thing I wasn't with you when the sales lady said that. It wouldn't have been pretty. See you on Friday!
Annette said…
I did give the woman the ol' evil eyeball when she said that, but it didn't seem to have any effect. But she most definitely lost a sale.
joanie murray said…
Hi Annette! It was nice meeting you at the conference. Maybe one day we'll get the "Horse" channel going after all!
Annette said…
It was nice meeting you, too, Joanie. I do think we're onto something! ;-)

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