The Mysterious Case of the Missing Memory Card

The sun has finally come out. My rhododendron is in full bloom. The locust tree across the road is dripping with blooms. Photo ops abound.

This morning, I lugged my beloved Nikon to Mountaineer Racetrack bright and early because my friend Jessi had a horse in an 8:30AM schooling race. I found myself in prime photo op territory, perched right next to the starting gate. I pulled out my camera, giddy at the thought of the great pictures I’d make. But to my dismay, the window on the top of the camera read –E-

That means EMPTY. As in no memory card.

And that means no photos. I said some bad words. Shoved the Nikon back in its case. And tried to shake off my state of total annoyance in time to at least enjoy being there.

Jessi’s colt broke well and the exercise rider was pleased with his performance.

But I have no photos.

I spent the next hour or so pondering the location of the missing memory card and decided it certainly must still be stuck in the slot of my laptop at home. The last photos I shot were of the Pennwriters Conference and those had been successfully uploaded onto the computer. Apparently, I forgot to remove the card.

Which seemed odd, because I distinctly remember removing the card. What I don’t remember is what I did with it next. Because, you see, I returned home to discover the card is NOT in the laptop.

It isn’t in the slot of my desktop computer either. In fact, I have no clue where it is.

So I’m blaming Kensi. She loves to claim small objects as her own. And she loves to hide those possessions in strange places. Like under the refrigerator. Or behind the armoire. In other words, I may not find said missing memory card for decades.

Or at least until I go out and purchase a new one. THEN the old one will mysteriously reappear.


Paula RC said…
OMG, I know that feeling.

It's a pity that the camera can't tell us just before we leave home. "Excuse me, just before we go off to make beautiful pictures together... Haven't you forgotten to put my card back... Not that I'm blaming you, or anything. It's just that I'm not use to hearing that sort of language when I'm doing my job, but you haven't done your part, if you know what I mean. As they say never blame the tools etc, etc..."

Good luck next time with your photos and I look forward to seeing some of your shots
Annette said…
Jamara, I'm also blaming the weather. If it hadn't been raining nonstop for the last two weeks, I'd have had the camera out to photograph flowers and birds and such, and would have noticed something was amiss.
Paula RC said…
Oh how I wish we could have some rain here, Annette. I've never prayed so hard in my life for rain.

My little corner of England keeps missing the rain, we've never had it so dry for years.
Annette said…
I don't doubt it for a minute, Jarmara (sorry for misspelling your name before). Considering how much precipitation we've had here, there couldn't have been any rain left over for other locales.
Ellis Vidler said…
Is Kensi a cat? They seem to like hiding things, but the dogs prefer burying them. How about a children's book or mystery featuring Kensi?
Annette said…
Yes, Kensi is a cat. Large kitten actually and the newest member of my family.

Every mystery I've written has a couple of cats in there somewhere, all in honor of kitties I've had who have passed on. Kind of my way of keeping their memory alive. So Kensi hasn't made it to the page yet. She does populate a number of my blog, Facebook and Twitter posts, however.

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