December's Goals

Nanowrimo is over for another year. However my revision version marches on.

I met my goal for November. In fact, I beat it by 17 pages! With that kind of momentum going, now is not the time to sit back and bask in the satisfaction. Now is the time to keep going.

So, I've reset my writing clock. Instead of slacking off, I’m determined to maintain the pace. Thirty pages a week. At that rate, I should be done by Christmas. “Done” being a highly relative term. Let’s rephrase that. I should have a revised draft by Christmas. Of course, I’ll still need to read through it to catch the mistakes I made in the rewrite. My critique buddies have already pointed out that I duplicated a scene. Oops. I hate when that happens.

Today’s goal? Six pages. Reasonable. Do-able.

I’d rather think I could manage 10 pages, but I have to take a break at some point and prepare veggies. Tomorrow is my first Christmas party of the season and I’m taking brussel sprouts and cauliflower roasted with rosemary and garlic. The roasting will happen tomorrow before the party, but the prep work happens today.

I could get a lot more work done if I didn't have to cook. Or do laundry. I’d add “or clean,” but if you could see my house these days, you’d realize that isn't really one of my writing deterrents at the moment.

I could get a lot more work done if I didn't go to the party, too, but we writers need to get out on occasion. Especially with this group. My Sisters in Crime. They feed the creative juices. And that’s a real necessity.


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