Working Stiffs Wednesday...again

Okay, yes. I'm painfully aware that lately, the only time I post here is to announce that I'm blogging at Working Stiffs. But I'm doing it again. I've posted pictures over there from the Pennwriters and Sisters in Crime Christmas parties.

Just so you know, though, I'll be back here in a more regular fashion SOON. My excuse for not blogging is a good one. I'm driving to finish the rewrite of HORSE OF A DIFFERENT KILLER so I can send it off to the agent I've been working with by early January. My plan is to finish this draft (#546) by Friday so I can take the holiday weekend off. Then print it out and give it another quick pass between Christmas and New Years. THEN send it off to my beta readers so they can catch the stuff I've missed. And THEN (drumroll, please) send it to the agent by the middle of the month.

At which point, I will collapse for a day or two before picking myself up and starting in on all the stuff I've been neglecting. Like my housecleaning and my bookkeeping (tax season approacheth). AND this blog.


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