Conference Countdown

Since I attended my first Pennwriters Conference in 2004, I've participated in just about every way possible. I've chaired committees. I've served as unofficial first lieutenant to the coordinator. I've BEEN the coordinator. I've been "Conference Yoda" to a couple coordinators.

There is, however, one thing I've never done at a Pennwriters Conference: taught a workshop.

Until now.

And in my usual jump-head-first-into-the-deep-end style, I'm not simply teaching a one-hour workshop. I'm teaching a four-hour pre-conference seminar workshop.

My initial fear was that no one would sign up to hear me talk. Heck, I'm not sure I would sign up to hear me talk. But they have. I'm amazed. And honored.

I've been working on this thing for months. The flop sweat panic has passed.

I'm ready.

I think.

I hope.

Of course, there's room for more. I like to think it's a pretty good workshop: Crime Fiction Story Structure and Finding YourCharacter's Voice. You can still sign up, not only for my workshop, but for the entire conference as well. 


Becky Levine said…
You'll do great!
Annette said…
I hope so, Becky. Thanks for the vote of support.

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