The Dream Meets Reality

It’s been a wild few weeks. A combination of euphoria, celebration, panic, and nose-to-the-grindstone work.

I have wonderful friends in the writing community who have been eager to celebrate with me. I’m overwhelmed. I keep recalling that infamous acceptance speech Sally Field made. You like me! You really like me! I’m touched and honored, because these people who are congratulating me and buying me chocolate and wine are the same people responsible for making me the writer I am.

Anyhow, while the celebrations keep cropping up (surprise pie courtesy of Paula Matter at the Pennwriters board of directors meeting!), mostly I’m settled into the rhythm of work. Write, write, write, and write some more. My goal was to finish the first draft of Sins of the Fathers (book #2) by the end of September. Today! And I did it! Okay, it’s a prime example of what Anne Lamont calls the “shitty first draft,” but it’s words on a page. So much easier to fix than a blank one.

In the next day or two I expect to get Circle of Influence back from my editor with copy edits. So there’s no time for rest beyond the two Godiva truffles and cup of coffee I’m currently enjoying. I’ll need to work on those revisions to the first book while polishing the second one so I can ship it off to my beta readers and critique buddies.

And in my spare time, I’ve been asked to compile a list of media markets in the area. Thank goodness I’ve done some of this media/promotion stuff for Pennwriters conferences. I’m not starting out cold. Just chilly.

AND there’s a small matter of book #3. I’d like to get it outlined by the end of October so I can start drafting it in November.

I love it. Yes, it’s more work than I imagined, but this is what I’ve wanted for…well… forever! Writing every day is no longer an option or a luxury to be squeezed in after my other commitments. Writing every day is now a requirement and comes FIRST. Gradually my family is getting used to the idea. Hubby, who used to refer to it as “playing around on the computer” now says stuff like, “Oh, you’re working. I’ll get out of your hair.”

Who is this man and what has he done with my husband???

On the other hand, I do have to get out and remind people I’m alive. I’m scheduled to teach two workshops at A Writers Road Trip, a one-day mini conference held by Pennwriters in Erie, October 12. If you’re in the area, you can register here


Joyce Tremel said…
I swear your hubby and mine were separated at birth.
Annette said…
That's seriously scary, Joyce. ;-)

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