Looking Ahead 2015 Style

First, let me say I’ll be very glad when these year-in-review things go away! 2014 was a rough year for the nation and reliving all the horrific news stories is more than I can handle with my current low stock in tissues.

Goal #1: Go to the store and buy Kleenex.

Seriously, though, it’s time for my annual post about creating goals. If you don’t know the difference between goals and resolutions by now, go back into my archives and pull up a post from January 1 of any year.

Last year, my big goal concerned finding balance. I was more or less successful. I met all my deadlines (okay, I was one day late for ONE of them, but I had permission), so I must have done okay staying focused on writing. I did, however, go off the track where exercise is concerned. And family matters completely derailed me for a while.

Hey, life happens. You do your best, and you move on.

So for 2015, I’m shooting for a do-over on the finding balance goal. I need to continue to maintain momentum with my writing, but I also need to get my butt OUT of my chair to spend time on the treadmill, too.

For the moment, family stuff is under control, but there will be some rocky times ahead I’m sure. Hopefully I’ll be able to juggle everything without losing what’s left of my mind.

One thing I’ve enjoyed adding to my life is travel, and I hope to continue to bop around the country from time to time. As a bucket list item, I’m trying to add to the list of states I’ve visited. My plan for 2015 is to add Tennessee (Killer Nashville). I also have plans to revisit Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, and New Mexico.

Hubby gave me a new spinner carry-on bag for Christmas. I have to use it, right? I would be rude not to!

I feel like I’m slacking with nothing monumental to add to my list of goals for 2015. But sometimes maintaining an even keel is all we can hope for.

Wishing a Happy New Year…and an even keel…to you all! 


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