Bouchercon 2016--Part 1

It's been a busy month. My trip to New Orleans for Bouchercon, library tour, various appointments and meetings... So yes, I'm late with my NOLA recap, but here are some of my photos and memories from the Big Easy.

Wednesday was my travel day. Had to stop and grab a picture of one of the Pittsburgh Airport statues: the Immaculate Reception with Franco Harris.

My sister in crime and critique partner Mary Sutton a.k.a. Liz Milliron and her hubby were on the same flight. Nice to have travel buddies.

The flights were smooth and on time. Here's my less-than-spectacular view from my room, but at least I was at the end of a hall, so it was quiet. This became more important as the week went along.

We went for a short stroll around the narrow streets of the French Quarter.

On Thursday, Bouchercon officially began. I had my first beignets for breakfast with Kaye Barley and Dave Magayna. Yummy! Great company too! Then it was time to take in some panels.

That's Kaye, the photographer, being photographed while photographing the panel.

The book room was awesome.

With a Vengeance sighting.

Did I mention Mary Sutton a.k.a Liz Milliron has a short story in Blood on the Bayou, the Bouchercon anthology? She got her hands on the book for the first time Thursday morning, I was there to share the moment and the squeals and to get some pictures.

Thursday afternoon, my room mate, Martha Reed, arrived. First stop was the Bourbon House with Susan Thibadeau and Martha. I discovered...I LIKE bourbon!

  I already knew I liked creme brulee.

Another panel, this one with another sister in crime, Rebecca Drake (second from right) who is also part of the Writing Pittsburgh tour I'm on.

We rounded up a few close friends for dinner at the Creole House.

Opening ceremonies wrapped up the evening...for me.

The parties went on into the wee hours for others. But this gal crashed. The joys of jet lag.

To be continued...


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