Bouchercon 2016--Part 2

Friday at Bouchercon started with more beignets and another fun panel.

My pals, the Wicked Cozies held a get-together. Always great to hang out with this gang.

Then Martha, Susan, and I took off into the sweltering French Quarter for a long walk. I do mean sweltering. I think New Orleans may have been the place to inspire tattooed makeup, because the normal stuff melts off in minutes. We won't talk about my hair. Anyway, we had a great walk in spite of the muggies.

Loved this vintage clothing store!

I've seen this place on NCIS: New Orleans!

Susan Thibadeau snapping photos of the riverboat.

This street performer was fabulous, but he would have gotten a better donation had he not yelled at me for not putting my money in the can quickly enough.

Martha along the Mississippi River.

Heading back to the hotel, of course a trio of crime writers would spot a police vehicle!

To be continued...


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