Together Again

Love you forever, Mom.

Helen Riggle April 10, 1920 - January 4, 2017


May her memory forever be a blessing. If you need anything as you grieve, don't hesitate to reach out to me.
Annette said…
Thank you, Susan.
Joyce Tremel said…
I'm so sorry, Annette. Big hugs.
Annette said…
Thanks, Joyce.
Risa said…
Aww. Hugs and prayers. I am so sorry.
Annette said…
Thanks, Risa.
Marni said…
So sorry for your loss. What a handsome couple~
Celia Fowler said…
I'm so sorry for your loss and the difficult time you went through. Your mother was a beautiful woman. Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers ~
Annette said…
Thanks, Marni. Thanks, Celia.

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