New Mexico, June 2013

I know I promised to start this series of posts last week, but I was so sick I couldn't get my brain to work well enough to put words on the page. At least not coherent ones. But I'm much better now and looking forward to the release of No Way Home in ONE MONTH.

As I've said, No Way Home is partly set in New Mexico because of my love for the area. My first trip out there took place in June 2013,

This is a picture of Hogback Mountain. Not mentioned in the book, but Zoe passes it during her travels.

Below is a shot from the Aztec Ruins which is mentioned in the book.

Shiprock is also mentioned in the book:

These photos should give you an idea of the landscape Zoe encounters in her attempt to solve the case this time. Not at all what she's used to.


Jeanie Jackson said…
I got a great feeling for the starkness and beauty area they were in from the book but love the pictures that fill in the details that my mind missed. (Thank you NetGalley) Loved this one as much as all the others. So often about this point there is a disappointing shift in series books but once again you came through for me!!! Fantastic and the pace just went faster and faster. You cost me a nights sleep but it was well worth it.
Annette said…
Billie, you made my day! Thank you. I love hearing I've kept readers up all night!
Oh, how beautiful!
Annette said…
Yes, it is.

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