Continuing Adventures in Indie-Publishing: Available for Pre-Order!

It's been a stressful week. After much procrastination, I buckled down and started the actual process of publishing Death by Equine. I confess my stress levels were off the charts. This was all new to me. I didn't know what I didn't know. Thankfully, I left myself plenty of time to allow for "bugs." And I have some amazing friends in the writing community who offered answers and advice. 

My release date is May 11. My goal has been to have it up for pre-order by March 11 (TODAY), and I've met that goal. The part I hadn't anticipated is that I can only offer digital for pre-order. The print book is uploaded and ready, but when I clicked "publish," it went live! And the version of the manuscript is still in uncorrected proof stage! Ack! So I pulled the plug. At least I know it's ready to go once I complete my final proofread and make the fixes.

Want to pre-order? For Kindle, click here. To order in one of the other digital platforms (Nook, Apple, Kobo, etc), click here. For print, stay tuned.


Jeanie Jackson said…
Doing that end of it can't be fun, but the fun begins for us in the next M month. :)

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