Winding Down

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas. 

Ours was more low-key than usual. Hubby and I both have head colds. JUST head colds. I had been nowhere and seen no one else for weeks. He's been out in the world and came down with it first, so I know where I got it. He tested negative for Covid, so our doctor is comfortable that I'm also negative. How I miss the days when a cold was JUST a cold. And I am immensely grateful that such is the case right now, even as I sniffle and blow my nose forty times a day.

Anyhow, we stayed holed up yesterday to keep our Just Cold germs to ourselves. 

I'm happy to announce I met my writing goals and deadlines for the year. Having this week between Christmas and New Year "free" was a goal in itself. I have a dozen or so videos on police procedure to watch in order to finish a couple of online courses I'd signed up for. This week is for that. 

It's also for winding down and reflecting on 2021. For making plans and new goals for 2022. 

And yes, for taking care of myself so I can get over this danged head cold. 

By the way, do you subscribe to my newsletter? If you do and haven't opened the one I just sent, go find it in your inbox and check it out. I have posted a new short story on my website and it's FREE for my subscribers! The password to access the SUBSCRIBERS ONLY page is in the newsletter. 

If you aren't a subscriber, you aren't outta luck. Go to my website now and fill out the subscribe form (it's on every page). The welcome email you'll receive also contains the password. 

This year's short story is titled "A Calico Christmas" and features Abby and Wayne Baronick and their parents as Seth joins Abby for a family Christmas Eve that doesn't go quite as planned. 


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