Malice Domestic 2022 in Photos

I confess I was a nervous wreck prior to Malice Domestic this year (April 22-24). Did I remember how to drive anywhere more than a couple hours away? Did I remember how to behave in a group setting? I sure didn't remember how to pack. At least I had my travel buddy, Liz Milliron, alongside. I hoped whatever one of us forgot, the other would remember.

The moment we pulled up at the hotel, we encountered two of our favorite blogger/reviewer friends, Dru Ann Love and Kristopher Zgorski. We exchanged BIG, long-overdue hugs. At that moment, I knew I would be fine. 

It was a crazy busy weekend of fun, food, and lots more hugs. 

Thursday dinner with friends

With Liz Milliron before
Malice Go Round

Lunch on Friday

My panel: Sleuths & Their Animals

Writers Who Kill

The book room

Ramona's Sprint Club 
before the banquet


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