Heading in the right direction

I’ve made darned little progress in my determination to eke out a little writing time. Everyone seems to require my immediate attention for one thing or another. When I mention that I really need to write, I’m told to put it off until next week because their demands are more urgent. Considering some real deadlines were involved, I allowed myself to be swayed. THIS time.

However, today I took a step in the right direction. I met with my critique group.

Ordinarily, this wouldn’t seem like such a big deal. But we’ve had a number of ailments afflict our little quartet. As a result, we took a couple months off to mend and so that I could deal with my mom. Today was a bit of a reunion with lots of hugs. Of course, my manuscript that we’re working on is the one that has already been sent off to my agent. Fortunately, they didn’t catch any major, embarrassing mistakes. Phew!

Spending a few hours focusing on writing has strengthened my resolve to get back to work. So to all my family and friends: I love you. But except for visiting Mom, I am doing no favors next week. No last minute requests will be honored. If you need me to look something up for you (because I am the Queen of Research), it will have to wait or you will have to do it yourself. I’m hanging out the literal and cyber DO NOT DISTURB sign.

I will be writing.


Anonymous said…
Good for you, Annette! Go into that writing cave and get some work done. You'll feel much better. I've been in my cave for a few weeks now, and I'm a much happier person.
Joyce Tremel said…
Go Annette!!!

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