Progress on all fronts...sort of

Usually, my most productive writing days are Monday and Tuesday. Not this week. For the last few days, our electrician has been here, installing new electrical service to accommodate the much anticipated heat pump. I also had a critique group meeting on Monday and a private yoga class to teach yesterday. So my time to write was already limited. Then add to the mix the electrician shutting off the power from time to time and you get zilch in the way of pages written.

But the wiring job is on hold as we wait for the power company to do their part in the transition. So this morning, I wrote. It was grand.

I’m up to page 78 in my shitty first draft. It’s not been an easy 78 pages. But the plot is beginning to gel. The characters and their voices have become more familiar to me.

Of course, just when things get rolling, I have to drag myself away from the story to focus on other commitments. The 2009 Pennwriters Conference for example. Some days, I really question my sanity for agreeing to take this on. Other days, I cruise along. I will post my speaker line up here in a week or so. I would do it today, but I have a yoga class to teach.

Never a dull moment.

By the way, my friend Nancy Haddock is filling in for me today over at Working Stiffs. Come on over and join in the discussion on packing and shopping: love it or hate it.


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