Back to Work

It’s been two weeks since I taught my last class at the yoga studio. Most of that time has been spent on two things: the Pennwriters Conference (58 more days as conference coordinator, but who’s counting?) and taxes.

Between Mom’s long recovery from multiple surgeries and the whole conference coordinator gig, I fell behind on keeping my records current. Oh, I had all the numbers and receipts. They just weren’t in any kind of form that my accountant would want to decipher.

I may have mentioned it once or twice (or twenty or thirty times) before, but I much prefer words to numbers.

However, it’s done. My records are organized. My Excel spreadsheets have been printed out. And I survived my appointment with my accountant. If there is a good thing about making very little money, it’s that you do get a refund. Of course we have plans for every cent of it and nothing frivolous this year, either.

Now, it’s time to write. At last I can really turn my attention back to the novel in progress. I opened the file last night, just to blow dust off the thing. And to see where the hell I am in the story. Thankfully, I had the foresight to stop in the middle of a very exciting scene when I put it aside this winter to focus on the short story (no word on that yet, by the way). So I’m fired up to jump back in.

I need to re-read what I have so far. On the top of my to-do list is printing out my first ten chapters. I’ll probably do a little tinkering and tweaking before I start creating fresh words in a new chapter. But that’s okay. Writing is rewriting, after all. And I figure that process will get my head back into that world.

Of course, having said all that, I must confess my inbox is loaded with conference registrations. This is a good thing. But it’s also a reminder that my time is not yet completely my own.

Did I mention 58 more days?


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