Yoga Tears

I’ve just about made it through my overbooked week. Last night was touch-and-go for a while, but I survived. My students surprised me with lots of cool cards and gifts. I didn’t open them until after I returned home because I was already struggling to keep my contacts from washing out of my eyes in the flood. Colleen even brought her sister in to act as photographer before class. The pictures were ready by the end of class.

That’s Janet and Nancy at the bottom. Alice, Colleen, me, and Amy across the top.

They made me promise to come back and join them as a student. I definitely will do that.

But for now, I’m coming to grips with the whole “what now?” thing. For starters, I think I’m going to hit the mat and practice some yoga FOR ME. For the last ten years, almost all of my home yoga has revolved around what I was planning to teach that week. Or working out bugs in a particular sequence that didn’t flow the way it should. Or figuring out how to modify a pose to make it accessible to everyone. Maybe…just maybe…it’s time to rediscover my own practice.

And then I have to round out my overbooked week by taking my mom shopping and checking in on my kittysitting clients.

Next week: WRITING.

Oh. And tax prep. There’s always something…


Annette, what wonderful students, and how wonderful they became your friends.

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