Photo Friday: Farewell, Winter

Spring arrives tomorrow and I've noticed twinges of green here and there. Daffodils are poking through the dead leaf mulch in my flower beds. But when I went for an after supper walk the other night, I came across this shot of downed and naked trees...evidence of the rough winter we've had.


Jemi Fraser said…
We've had odd weather up here this winter. Snow is gone for the moment. I'll sure we'll get a bit more yet, but for now, it's pretty much all gone. I've never, ever seen it gone at this time of year. Makes we worry a little bit about what's to come - or what we've done to our planet.
Mason Canyon said…
It has been a rough winter. I'm so ready for spring and things to begin blooming.
Becky said…
Is it my imagination or do the trees look gray and dead? It seems so strange driving down the road like the trees are all waiting to touch the ground.
VR Barkowski said…
Nice to see the thaw!

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