Photo Friday: Camouflage

At first glance this looks like a bunch of rocks. And it is. It's the base of the Youghiogheny Dam, a short uphill walk from our camp. On closer inspection, you can see the real subject, though. A groundhog. See him?

Ah, but look closer. There's a second groundhog enjoying the camouflage of the rocks. There was actually a whole groundhog family, but the little ones darted into the crevices and were hiding from the camera.

Photo credit goes to my hubby for this one.


Jemi Fraser said…
Awesome photo! That is one serious use of camouflage :)
Mason Canyon said…
Great photo. The second ground hog is definitely hidden among the rocks.

Thoughts in Progress
Becky said…
Easy find thats the Dashofy hunting eyes. Always look for something that doesn't look right. Its usually an animal. :)

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