Getting My Fix
Anyone who knows me will tell you I am not a fan of winter. I don’t ski or ice skate. I used to love to sled ride, but suspect I’d break something vital if I tried it now. At least if I tried some of the stunts I did when I was a kid. But that’s a blog for another day.
No, I don’t much care for cold weather, snow, and ice. Hibernation has always seemed like a good idea to me. And when people ask me if I miss owning horses, I can honestly say, yes. I miss Jenny and Brandy and Gypsy. And most of the others who passed through my barn. However I do not miss breaking ice out of water buckets and chopping up frozen manure and sawdust to clean the stalls.
This morning, though, I bundled up in multiple layers and headed to Mountaineer to visit my friend Jessi. The excuse was that we had Christmas gifts to exchange and I had Avon stuff to deliver to her. But I really needed to get my hands on a horse. Yes, I’m an addict and there are times when nothing else will quench the craving…twenty degree weather or not.
I hadn’t been there long before I was put to work walking a couple of horses while Jessi cleaned their stalls. After that, I whipped out my camera to capture some photos of life on the backside.
This is Jessi walking No Doubt by Roman Ruler.

I was told this filly is a ball of fire, but I walked her one lap around the shedrow and both my arms are still the same length. They love to make liars out of you. No Doubt runs this Wednesday night, so hopefully she’s saving herself for the race.
And this is Streaterville waiting to get his hoofs packed. Basically, it’s the human equivalent of a manicure.

Afterwards, Jessi wraps his legs.

This cute filly is Alluvatar.

And this would be Chesapeake Bay.

And this guy is my current favorite in the barn.

His registered name is Pepas Little Henry, but we just call him Henry. He’s a sweetheart who lets me rub his face and ears and get a good “fix” of horseyness without trying to bite.
Here are some shots of the whole gang.

Including a little neighborly dispute.

So I’m content. I got to play with the horses and not have to chisel ice out of the water buckets. Life is good.
No, I don’t much care for cold weather, snow, and ice. Hibernation has always seemed like a good idea to me. And when people ask me if I miss owning horses, I can honestly say, yes. I miss Jenny and Brandy and Gypsy. And most of the others who passed through my barn. However I do not miss breaking ice out of water buckets and chopping up frozen manure and sawdust to clean the stalls.
This morning, though, I bundled up in multiple layers and headed to Mountaineer to visit my friend Jessi. The excuse was that we had Christmas gifts to exchange and I had Avon stuff to deliver to her. But I really needed to get my hands on a horse. Yes, I’m an addict and there are times when nothing else will quench the craving…twenty degree weather or not.
I hadn’t been there long before I was put to work walking a couple of horses while Jessi cleaned their stalls. After that, I whipped out my camera to capture some photos of life on the backside.
This is Jessi walking No Doubt by Roman Ruler.

I was told this filly is a ball of fire, but I walked her one lap around the shedrow and both my arms are still the same length. They love to make liars out of you. No Doubt runs this Wednesday night, so hopefully she’s saving herself for the race.
And this is Streaterville waiting to get his hoofs packed. Basically, it’s the human equivalent of a manicure.

Afterwards, Jessi wraps his legs.

This cute filly is Alluvatar.

And this would be Chesapeake Bay.

And this guy is my current favorite in the barn.

His registered name is Pepas Little Henry, but we just call him Henry. He’s a sweetheart who lets me rub his face and ears and get a good “fix” of horseyness without trying to bite.
Here are some shots of the whole gang.

Including a little neighborly dispute.

So I’m content. I got to play with the horses and not have to chisel ice out of the water buckets. Life is good.
Thoughts in Progress
When we go to Busch Gardens, one of the first things we do is visit the Clydesdales.