Remember when...

Two months from today, a new Zoe Chambers mystery, Fatal Reunion, will launch into the world! I'm currently working on the red line edits and have proclaimed I hate commas and hyphens. Thankfully, I have an editor who keeps me on track.

I'm eager to show off my cover art. However, I haven't seen it yet, so I'm waiting and trying to be patient...not my strong suit. 

So until I have cover art and pre-order links to share, I thought we could look back on the stories and characters that have brought Zoe and Pete to this point.


Remember when...


We first met Monongahela County Police Detective Wayne Baronick in Circle of Influence


Detective Wayne Baronick of the Monongahela County Police
Department grinned from the doorway. Young, good-looking, and
cocky, Baronick was a constant source of irritation to Pete. Most
annoying was the fact that he reminded Pete of someone. Himself.

“Relax, Chief. I come bearing gifts.” He held out a venti Starbucks. “I
know you can’t get these out here in the boondocks, so I brought one
from civilization.”
Baronick had always been good at sucking up, even as an overeager
cadet at the Pittsburgh Police Academy when Pete had taught the
crime scene processing module more than a decade ago. Now, as a
county detective, he not only irritated Pete with his ability to charm, but
by the fact he was a damned good—and extremely determined—


As I've been working on Fatal Reunion, I've realized how much Wayne has grown since that first book...and how much his relationships with Pete and Zoe have evolved. 


What do you think of Wayne's development in the course of the series? Are there any other characters who have changed significantly in your opinion?


Susan said…
I've liked the way Wayne has developed and the interplay between Wayne and his sister is always interesting. In a way, I think all of the characters have grown in a good way throughout the series. I was especially glad to see Rose getting beyond her grief and finding a new relationship.
Kathy Reel said…
I didn't ever expect to like Wayne from the first encounter here. He really has grown. I'm really looking forward to seeing the new cover for the new book. Seeing this first cover is what made me pick up Circle of Influence. I love all the covers!

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