Remember when...Zoe met Pony Boy?

Another one of my favorites of the Zoe Chambers series is No Way Home. Partly because I had a blast researching it, exploring New Mexico, learning about the Navajo people, but because the character Billy "Pony Boy" Yellowhorse really took on a life of his own. Created not by me, but by one of my dearest friends, Leta Burns of Aztec, NM, Pony Boy leaped from the page. Enigmatic, stoic, and with a super dry sense of humor, Billy left Zoe puzzling over his motives for much of the book. 

“I hate to keep asking the same question,” she said, “but where are we going?”

“You want to see that your friend’s son is safe. I’m taking you to him.”

Allison half turned to Zoe with an eager smile. “I told you Pony Boy would take care of him.”

Zoe didn’t reply and didn’t return the smile. Allison might trust the Navajo, but Zoe still did not. Here they were in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by miles and miles of nothing in a truck driven by a man who knew the area and no doubt knew where to hide a body. Like hers. And Allison’s.

And Logan’s.

Zoe had no phone. No weapon. And she’d willingly gotten into a strange vehicle.

If she did manage to survive this, Pete was gonna kill her. 


Leta Burns said…
Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this story. Was a thrill of a lifetime!! Leta Burns,Aztec,NM.

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