Looking Back: 2023

Every year, I take a few moments to post here about what the past twelve months have brought, followed by my hopes and goals for the coming year. Starting with a retrospective of 2023:

If you want to read my list of goals from January, click here

How did I do? Well, I met all my writing deadlines. All three books I anticipated releasing did indeed come out on time. I'm still waiting for the print release of Keep Your Family Close, but the digital came out on December 8. 

Accounting-wise, I managed to get caught up in time to get my tax stuff to my accountant, AND I'm proud to say, I've done much better with keeping up on the income and expenses this year! In fact, my spreadsheets are done! Most of them, anyway. I still have to compile my mileage, but that's pretty easy. 

I also did better with my fitness goals. I'm still not where I'd like to be (and the holidays have done a real number on my workout routine), but I'm definitely improving. 

Where I failed was travel. For that, I partly blame my sweet furry office manager, Kensi. 

In April, less than a week before I was supposed to leave for Bethesda, MD, and Malice Domestic, Kensi had a rather terrifying "episode." I thought it was a stroke. Three vet visits later (all within a few days), she was diagnosed with heart problems, although the fainting episodes aren't necessarily related. I did make it to Malice, although I was a worried cat mom the entire time. Hubby took care of Kensi, and a dear friend was on call in case of emergency.

Kensi, however, will now be on heart medication for the rest of her life. So all of my travel has been limited to very short trips. And Hubby has to stay home to at least TRY to get her pills in her while I'm away. 

I did make it to San Diego for Bouchercon. Again, worried cat mom. But Hubby and my dear friend sent daily photos AKA proof of life to let me know she was doing well. 

I did not, however, make it to New Mexico. Nor did we make it back to Lexington, Kentucky, despite me judging this year's Dr. Tony Ryan Book Awards and being invited to again attend the award ceremony. 

The last few months of 2023 have been a rollercoaster, as well. You can check my last two posts for details. To summarize, my agent and dear friend, Dawn Dowdle, passed away unexpectedly in mid-November. A couple of weeks later, I was fortunate enough to sign with  Paula Munier of Talcott Notch. 

Overall, 2023 was a mixed bag. But Kensi is still with me and being her silly self, and I'm looking forward to an exciting year in 2024. 


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