Changes Ahead

"The only constant in life is change." - Heraclitus

I like to think I'm pretty flexible regarding detours and changes in life. An event gets canceled? Oh well. An appointment has to be rescheduled? Fine. 

But I'm facing a BIG change within the next few days, and I confess, I'm anxious.

At the end of this week, my husband will retire.

We've been together for a long time. A long long time. He's gone through various employers and work schedules, but for the last decade, he's worked at the same place, steady daylight shift, Monday through Friday. He leaves at the same time every morning and is home at (mostly) the same time every afternoon. It's been easy for me to set my writing schedule around his work schedule. Kensi and I have the house to ourselves all day. We enjoy the quiet.

That's about to end.

Okay, Hubby and I have had a few times where we've been at home together 24/7. When he had surgery for a torn rotator cuff, he was off for SIX MONTHS. That was a rough one, mostly because he was in a brace for the first part of it, unable to do much of anything including drive. I figure if we survived that, and I continued to get my books written, we should be fine.

And we should. We will. But it's going to involve change. Will I still get up at 4:30 a.m.? Probably not, but Kensi will no doubt have her say in the matter. Will I still get my writing done in the morning? Probably. I do have deadlines. But concessions will need to be made. 

I'm open to suggestions and advice from anyone who's already been down this path.  


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