Another Acceptance

I really need to pay closer attention to my incoming emails.

First, I mistook the acceptance notice from Mysterical-E for spam and nearly deleted it. Then, just two days ago, I glanced at another email with something about “Submissions” in the subject line and assumed it was something more to do with the previous acceptance.

Wrong. It was another acceptance of another short story by another magazine.

So in addition to having “A Signature in Blood” in Mysterical-E’s Winter issue, another of my short stories, “Sanctuary” will be in Spinetingler’s Winter issue.

This one is entered in their cozy-noir contest. “Sanctuary” is a quirky piece. Dark, but with an uplifting ending. Too dark for cozy, too uplifting for noir. So I’d had a hard time finding a home for it. When I heard about the contest, I remember thinking, “Hmm. Yeah. Cozy-noir. That’s what it is.”

In publishing everything has to fit in a category. I think I’ve found mine. At least for short stories.

Anyhow, I’m pretty excited about having two stories published this winter. Someone from my online critique group mentioned today that maybe these things come in three’s and the third will be the novel. I like that idea. I like it a lot.


Anonymous said…
Hi Annette,
I have enjoyed reading your blog.
I was told that it's hard to get a books published in America, so well done you.
Do you know anything about the American publishers called "Aspen Mountain Press"
My friend Lo is trying to get his book publishedand doesn't want to get caught out as some writer as with PublishAmerica.

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