Signs of Spring

I have evidence that spring is at hand. The season’s first calf has presented itself in the pasture beside my house. Soon it will have company as fat mama cows waddle around the field, ready to pop.

Robins have become plentiful and squawk from my trees when I’m out in the yard. I love birdsongs.

And there are buds. My maple trees and lilacs are ready to burst at the seams.

Daffodils and tulip greens rise from the earth, pushing up through last fall’s leaf mulch.

And my snow drops, which I’d about given up on, have finally bloomed.

Other signs of spring: grackles and red-winged blackbirds have laid siege to my feeders. Unfortunately, the juncos (AKA snow birds) haven’t moved on yet. So winter may not be done with us.


Joyce Tremel said…
I saw a robin in the yard yesterday!
Sara said…
Hey! How'd you get buds? I guess I might have some too if I checked!

The robins out our way sure were making a fuss the other day.

Skipping calves are one of the best parts of Spring!
Annette said…
Sara, the bigger question is how I got the pictures. I finally figured out how to take close-ups with the new camera! Whoo hoo!

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