Katz Family Photos

I know I owe you all a catch-up blog, but for today I'm afraid the best I can do is provide you with some photos of the Katz family in my barn.

The black and white tuxedo kitty closest to the camera is the same little one who had the mole in the earlier post. The torte on the far right is the newest member of the clan. They brought her with them when they returned from their last "trip."

This one, I call Patch. When I figure out if it's a boy or a girl, I may try to come up with a better name.

The gray baby with the big eyes is Pip. No reason.

By way of an update, there are currently only three of them here. Pip, Torte and Patch. The rest, including tuxedo kitty, have taken off on another of their adventures.


Becky said…
I like tuxedo & patch. I would like another cat but then I remember all the problems we had at the end. So no kitten for us.
Becky said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Becky said…
Sorry about the deleted comment I always seem to end up posting the same thing twice.
VR Barkowski said…
Pip won my heart. I'm partial to gray kitties with enormous eyes.
Annette said…
VR, Pip is my favorite, too. She's the most friendly.

Becky, go out and listen to the song "The Dance." We wouldn't start any relationship if we knew the end, but then we'd miss all the good stuff.

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