Photo Friday: Kittens!

And here they are!


Mason Canyon said…
So adorable you can't help but love little kittens. Our barn cat just had kittens too. So far I haven't found them. Can't wait to see them. Hope these little jewels do well.

Thoughts in Progress
Annette said…
Mason, it's a good thing I snapped this photo when I did, because Mama Kitty has moved them. Now I have to begin the search all over again.
Jemi Fraser said…
Cute!!! Hope they all make it :)
Sara said…
My girls must never know of their existence! Actually, they tell me we've got a couple of our own in the barn right now. sigh.

I love the black and white though!
Annette said…
Alas, they are all gone. All of them. I saw MomCat carrying the kittens across the pasture a week ago. Now the kittens are gone, MomCat is gone, and even little Pip is gone. Only a very lonely Moochie remains. The barn is too quiet once again. :-(

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