
Panic has set in. The Pennwriters Conference is only two and a half weeks away and I am NOT READY.

I had high hopes of spending the last month before the conference polishing my manuscript and my pitch. I also planned to spend lots of time researching the agents who are scheduled to attend. I was going to be PREPARED.

Then Hubby got laid off. Priorities changed fast enough to give me whiplash. Suddenly it’s more important to generate immediate income. Sell Avon. Teach yoga.

Writing does not provide that immediate income at the moment, so it’s taken a backseat.

Of course, that means I’m battling a severe case of the crankies. Today I at least got to attend my critique group where I produced the second to the last chapter. The story is working. My critique buddies have been totally sucked in and demand to know what happens next when we reach the end of the chapter.

It’s hugely satisfying, I might add.

But what I really crave is time to fix the little things that need tweaking. Instead, I’m teaching Hubby basic computer skills.

Priorities. If it gets him a job (and therefore keeps ME from having to “get a real job”), it will be well worth it.


Jemi Fraser said…
Wow - the economy takes its toll - again. Good luck with everything. It's so hard to do everything at once, but I think you're doing a good job! :)
Joyce Tremel said…
Hang in there, Annette.

Don't worry--I'll bring chocolate to the conference!
Becky said…
You know I'll do what I can. I think he got a good start today.
Annette said…
Thanks for the words of encouragement, Jemi. Joyce, chocolate has been my salvation! I can't wait to be roomies with you again at the conference!

Becky, you have no idea how much we both appreciate your help yesterday. He did really well on the computer last night, too. But I really have to sit on my hands and resist the urge to jump in and help him type!
Sara said…
Wow, computer lessons for the husband. You have my sympathies! But, who knows, maybe he'll be a naturally computer savvy kind of guy?

And just think, Pennwriters prep always makes you crazy, but it's always worth it, right?

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